Week 3: Communication-Business and Consumer

Have you ever experienced difficulty communicating with a business? 
Just recently I was overseas and had problem trying to contact Airbnb directly. They have numbers but none of them are direct lines and it took us around 30 minutes to finally find somewhere that you can type in your number and have them call you.

Does social media make it easier to get noticed or get your problem solved?  
I believe social media makes it easier to get noticed, if they see you're complaining and have a lot of followers they don't want your 600 other followers seeing you give a bad reputation to their company so it usually works to get them to answer you right away.

Have you ever had a positive experience communicating with a business through social media?  
I've had a few positive experiences communicating with social media. Sometimes I just ask a certain company if somethings available before I waste time going over there to see and they almost always answer right away. 

If it was your own business on social media, how would you respond to positive or negative comments?
I would just do my best to make sure my customer is satisfied, whether it be a positive or negative comment and always make sure to communicate back because it always makes people feel important.

Describe what made your experience negative or positive. Break content into paragraphs. 
I think what makes my experience positive, is knowing that no matter how many comments or complaints a company may get in just a day that they want to reach out to you no matter what and make sure that you're satisfied. Even though i've had all good experiences when reaching out to companies I know that's not always the case, but most companies want to make sure everyone is happy and are fairly good at reaching out.


  1. Tanya, I agree with your posting about AirBnb. I use there services all the time when I travel, awesome company. I know how frustrating it can be connected with agent when you have inquiry beyond information provided on the company website. Social media has given everyone a voice to reach virtual companies like Airbnb. All feedback is helpful, for companies to improve customer service for all clients. This highlights trouble areas, or strengths of the company, and improves the user experience.

  2. Tanya, since you had a good experience connecting with a company on social media, as did a few others, I think I will take my comments there next time to see what happens. I will try it to see how that will change or influence how I will use social media for my own purposes. I think like Nick said, it gives people a voice to reach companies, and all the feedback can only make businesses more attentive, giving us better products and services.


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