Week 8: Part 1

Visual platforms I believe, can be a great thing for any business and can only speed up business. Every person in the world has a different eye for things, and some can be more visual, as some are more readers, so I feel it is important to try to get your business out everywhere so it can reach out to all different kinds of people.
Out of the eight most widely used platforms I believe that Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Youtube could be very beneficial for my business. Most of my business is photography and these are most friendly for that. Youtube is more work going into editing and using video instead of just photography but if I learned how to use it to my advantage it could help me out so much in the long run.
Currently I am using Instagram and made my Instagram for my business just a few weeks ago. I have around 500 followers on the platform right now and it seems to be working really well as long as I am posting every day. I use hashtags and my location that go with what picture I post, such as location, food, what type of food, what city, what state, which country, that it's travel, photography etc. I follow around 600 other businesses that also share food and travel photography in the cities around where I am, and cities that I want to visit or have already visited.



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